Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Ethan has been struggling with fevers and sore throats these past few weeks. If you are familiar with our story, you will know that fevers can trigger Ethan's Nephrotic Syndrome. Well any kind of sickness or allergies really, but for some reason, fevers have almost always resulted in a relapse. Each time he gets a fever, I am left feeling cautious, nervous, waiting and wondering.... I am happy to report that despite fevers and sickness, Ethan continues to be healthy and protein free.  Ethan doesn't talk a lot about his condition and especially his feelings, like most males. But when he does talk about it, I get a unique insight into his side of things. I can tell that his relapses have been on his mind, as he asked me last night what his test results were. I gave him the thumbs up sign and off he went with a smile! Today, as I was driving to pick Adam up from School. He said this to me " Mom, you know I think I am healed, because with all of my fevers, I still don't have protein." I smiled and told him that I think he is healed too. Which is a scary statement for me to make, since we don't know the future. More and more I am feeling that this is the place where God is leading us.