Sunday, November 8, 2009

So far so Good

It has been a few days since Ethan has had his H1N1 vaccination. I am happy to report that he didn't suffer any side effects other than a sore arm for one day. I have been keeping a close eye on his urine samples and he continues to be negative, in spite of his shot. Which is fantastic news!!!! Adam is doing better, his fever went away on Saturday and it appears that it was just a cold. There are so many other colds and flus going around, it is rather hard to determine exactly what he had. But I am thankful that he seems to be all better.

I know I keep saying this, but I am so very thankful to be able to watch my son enjoy being a normal boy. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for giving us this precious gift. At our recent visit to Children's Hospital, the nurse told me not to get discouraged if Ethan should relapse again. I later wondered, why would she tell me that? Did I appear too happy about his progress? In the past I have spent too much time borrowing trouble from the next day, for now, I am trying my hardest to focus on today, to enjoy it fully, to not worry about tomorrow. Some days I succeed, and other days I fail miserably.

1 comment:

  1. Great news that he's continuing to do great even after his vaccine. Don't get discouraged by that silly nurse. She doesn't know probably what its like to worry about a child like that anyways. You should feel great and enjoy him being totally healthy. Yes, things can change, but why dwell on that. Good idea not to borrow worry or trouble when you don't need to.
