Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Health

One can only last so long in a state of survival, before everything starts to fall apart. For many years this is where I have been living. My health was continually getting worse with my headaches/ migraines occurring almost daily. I have suffered with headaches since I was 10 years old. Over the years they have been getting worse, especially when things with Ethan's health were not good.  In December of 2009, I decided once again to try a Naturopath. I felt like I had to do something drastic as everything I had tried hadn't worked or did work, but had severe side effects. The medication I was on for a year, to help prevent the migraines, also made my hair fall out. Not a pleasant thing to have happen at the age of 33. 

I was very nervous to try another Naturopath as I had been unsuccessful in the past adhering to their strict programs. But I was desperate for relief and was willing to do anything to improve my life. During my first meeting, I discovered that the foods that I had been eating were indeed part of the problem. Migraine headaches have many triggers and for years I wasn't exactly sure what mine were. To start, I was to try an anti- inflammatory diet, which consisted of NO dairy, eggs, wheat, tomatoes, corn or citrus foods, beef or pork.  At first I was overwhelmed and wondered, what in the world I was going to eat? My Naturopath said to give it my all for 3 weeks. After which we would see how I was feeling and if I could add things back into my diet. The first 3 days were horrible, cravings, more headaches than I thought possible,  I began to wonder if this was worth it. I am thankful for the support of my Mom who carried me when I felt like giving up. My Naturopath also wanted to try Chinese Acupuncture on me, I am not a fan of needles, especially when she said it would hurt!  The needles she uses are bigger than I have had before, which is why it hurts. She told me the reason for the bigger needles, but I have forgotten now. Anyway, I have found the Acupuncture to be a great relief, walking in with a major headache only to leave with nothing. Through Acupuncture, we have found that food is not the only reason I am getting headaches. Slowly but surely, things are starting to improve. I have gone from having a migraine every other day to once a week. I am still getting daily headaches, although they are not as intense as they once were. I have also continued on with the diet changes, which as a bonus, has finally helped me shed some unwanted pounds. I feel so much better eating this way, although it is not always easy. When I have had a meal that is not on the plan, I have paid dearly for it, with nausea and headaches. I have finally gotten to the place where it is no longer worth it to eat those things, even though I do miss them!

This year is all about getting healthy, physically and emotionally. I decided to take full advantage of the time that Ethan is off his meds to focus on my health so I can be a better mother, wife, daughter and friend!  

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