Hard to believe that 10 months have now passed since Ethan was on prednisone. Ethan, Adam and I were talking in the car the other day. The best conversations I find, happen in the car! Such amazing things get discussed while we are driving. Somehow we stumbled onto what life was like when Ethan was on prednisone. Especially when he was younger, I am so thankful that Ethan doesn't seem to remember those early years. Adam on the other hand does! He told Ethan all about how he acted and how it made him feel, I think it was a good experience for both of them.
Then came the tough question, Is Ethan healed? Or can he get this again? I tried my best to explain that we don't know, we hope that Ethan is healed. It appears that the chemo drug has done it's job, giving Ethan much needed time off all the drugs. He has even been sick with colds and still no relapse, which is a good sign. Each month that goes by, gives me more hope that he is indeed healed. But I am still cautious, as we were told that he could still relapse even after a year or longer of being off his medications.
Neither one liked the thought of having to go through this all again. It was a great opportunity to explain how God has been faithful to us and how our prayers have been answered. Not always the way we wanted but just what we needed. I love my boys, although I was glad they went back to School this week!!!! Adam was super excited to get back and Ethan was NOT. I left him holding back tears as I said goodbye yesterday. I was worried all day about how he was doing, only to find him happy and giving me the thumbs up when I came to pick him up. Although he still calls School torture, he went much more happily today!
I agree that some of the best conversations happen in the car. Deacon has said some pretty neat or interesting things while we've been driving too. So glad that the boys have a chance to reflect on what life was like several months ago and be much happier now that Ethan is off all the drugs. That's a big God praise item!