Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Children's Checkup

Ethan had his first post chemo checkup today at our Children's hospital. Ethan's doctors are very pleased that he is now off all medications. Ethan's blood pressure is normal, it was a bit elevated while he was on the higher doses of steroids. Ethan's doctors are also very happy that he is continuing to grow, despite the large amounts of steroids he has been on.  

As luck would have it, Ethan's nephrologist who we have come to love and trust, is having a baby. We were very happy to say goodbye to her today, as it was her last day of work before she starts maternity leave. I am sad that she will be gone for 1 year, but we couldn't be in better hands. We are going to be seen by the head of Nephrology, so what could be better? He has over 25 years experience as well, so I feel very confident that Ethan will be well taken care of in her absence. So for now, we wait! We wait to see if Ethan will outgrow this, or if he will relapse. Taking it one day at a time, and rejoicing in the fact that in this moment, Ethan is doing well. The doctors final words to us were" To celebrate every day that Ethan is off, and to not focus on the future".  I told him we were doing our best to do just that. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad things went well today! Good news from the Dr.'s makes a happier home for all of you, i'm sure. Good advice too on celebrating each day Ethan is off all meds. We'll continue praying that the following days/weeks/months are the same.
