Thursday, July 23, 2009

Still Sick

Ethan still has a low grade fever, but his protein has come back down to a trace. YEAHHH!!!
Thank You to all those who prayed for Ethan as soon as he became ill, our prayers have been answered! I don't know how long Ethan's immune system will continue to be low after stopping the chemo and prednisone. It amazes me to see the difference in my boys immune systems, Adam only had a fever for 12 hours and Ethan is going on 2 full days. It certainly takes Ethan twice as long to get over things and he usually gets it worse than the rest of us. 
We are hoping that Ethan will be feeling back to normal soon and that this fever, won't trigger a relapse, the next few weeks are still critical after he has been sick. Thankfully we have a checkup with our local pediatrician next week, which will make me feel better to have him checked out. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you God for answering our prayers!!!!!
