Thursday, January 17, 2013

Doctor's Appt

Just came back from our family doctor and it went pretty much like I thought it would. He doesn't know ANYTHING about Nephrotic Syndrome, so he has no idea what or how to treat Ethan. I already knew that, but my reason for taking him there is that we needed a referral to our local pediatrician who takes care of Ethan in between Children's Hospital visits. He did order some urine tests, Ethan was very happy that they didn't want blood tests like they normally do.  He put a rush on his urine test and hoped he would call me by tomorrow lunch with some more news. He said he will call our pediatrician and see where she wants to go from there. Ethan and I would rather that Children's Hospital dictate treatment if that is needed, versus our local pediatrician. But we know from past experience, that he has to be a lot more sick and swollen before we can go there. I jumped the gun a few years ago and took him too early and they weren't very happy with me. So for now we wait, oh how I hate the waiting, never gets any easier....

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