Germs are all around us, and if you have children, it is pretty much a given that they will bring home all sorts of nice viruses. For a normal healthy family, getting a cold or a flu is a minor inconvenience in the scheme of things. For us, if we get sick or worse, Ethan gets sick, it brings with it consequences and huge amounts of stress.
I will back up to the day that Ethan was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome. We were being told so much information at that time, but I remember very clearly these words, there is no cure for Nephrotic Syndrome, but there is a known trigger. Well, what is it, we asked? We most certainly would do everything in our power to avoid this nasty trigger so that our son would never have to go through this again. Little did we know it wouldn't be so easy. For some reason, Nephrotic Syndrome is triggered by viral illnesses, if Ethan gets a fever, it almost always results in protein being leaked into his urine. Which is the start of a relapse, and many months on prednisone.
How in the world would we be able to keep him away from sickness to prevent this from happening again? At the time Ethan was not in school, but he did go to our church nursery during the service. That, the doctor said, was no longer allowed. Ethan was on large amounts of prednisone, which suppressed his immune system, making it very easy for him to catch things, more than a healthy child would. Over the years, we have found that if Ethan does get sick, he will get it worse than the rest of us, only 1 time he has been hospitalized, so far... due to a very high fever. So from that day on, our lives totally changed, now, not only would we have to manage Ethan's Nephrotic Syndrome, but now we had the huge task of keeping sick people away from him.....
As Ethan approached the school years, we asked the question, can he go to school? Yes, came the answer, and in fact we encourage them to go to school, to be as normal as possible. Even now, that Ethan was on this chemo drug, his Nephrologist said, Yes, he can go to school. The sick people just need to stay home!!! It is the healthy ones who should be able to get out and enjoy life, and when you are sick, you should stay home!!!! I couldn't agree with them more, but sadly not everyone shares this point of view.
Along the way we have encountered many, well meaning people, who try to rationalize their sickness away, so that THEY don't have to miss out. But missing out, is something we are all too familiar with, it is one of the hardest parts of Nephrotic Syndrome. For it affects not only Ethan, but our whole family....
I am so grateful to Ethan's school and teachers. They have partnered with us, supported us in keeping the classroom as healthy as possible for Ethan. Which has allowed him to be at school, experiencing normal things, kids his age would.
I want to say a big Thank You to my parents who have helped us so much, taking the boys so that I could do errands, or overnight so we could sleep in, when Ethan was up many times at night with insomnia. Thank you as well to Jeff's parents for all those times you took Ethan so that we could go to Church. To my girlfriends, your friendship is invaluable, our morning coffee's, to dinner and movies, a wonderful distraction from the stresses of my life. I love each and every one of you.