Tuesday, June 23, 2009

In Heaven

Ethan has been doing very well these past few days, aside from a few stomach aches, he is feeling better and stronger each day. Jeff and I asked Ethan how he was feeling yesterday and he looked at us with this big smile, and said" In Heaven"!  We couldn't help but laugh at his description, not sure he understood the full meaning. So we asked him what he meant. He said he was very happy that he was done all his medications and most importantly that school is finished tomorrow.
 Yes, he is still the same Ethan!!! 

It has been 4 weeks now since Ethan has been off prednisone, each day we marvel at the small changes that are happening to him. It is so awesome to see the joy and life coming back into his eyes and the desire in his heart to get out and enjoy life. When he is on prednisone, he lacks the desire to do anything, and if you want to go somewhere with him, you had better prepared that it might not be as enjoyable as you had hoped!

When you are in the moment of being a caregiver, essentially you live in survival mode. Which is how these last 8 months have felt to me. Living from one relapse to the next is exhausting. I did not realize how extremely tired I was, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is our prayer that this summer will be a restful one, filled with lot's of great memories, good health, and an overabundance of JOY!

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