Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Feeling Better

Must have been all those prayers!!!! This morning Ethan's sample was back down to trace, still not negative but better than yesterday. There are still some changes in his body and urine that concern me, make me worry that we are not out of the woods yet. But for today, I will rejoice in the fact that he is feeling better, and he is currently at school!!! 

Living with Nephrotic Syndrome is an up and down road, one day you can be up, celebrating that things are going well. The next day, you can be down, sad and discouraged that things are not going well. I struggle with what to share with people, my fear is that you will get tired of hearing about all these ups and downs. I know I get tired of going through them. What keeps me sharing about Ethan, is not my need for attention, but for the sole purpose of prayers for my son and family. I know that when we have asked God's people to pray, amazing things have happened, maybe not like we had wanted or thought it should be. But nonetheless, God has been Faithful!  


  1. Well said Laura! I love that you started a blog! That way you can share your thoughts and people can find specific things to pray for. You are an amazing mother:)

  2. Thanks, I don't feel amazing but I needed to hear that today. Hugs to you my dear friend!
